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Ⓒ Ni-Shou Tran 2019








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Statistics from research  carried out by the BPMA

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Promotional Products

motivate twice as many recipents  to take action than the mediums of Print online, Direct mail or TV?


50.7% Promotional Products


19.4% TV


11.2% Online


9.8% Print (Newspapers/Magazines)


8.9% Direct Mail

EMC Advertising Gifts, I have given EMC a fresh new marketing campaign.  The aim is to generate a buzz with the company catalogue. It’s more than a promotional gifts company we are able to go far and wide for any sourcing product. I have developed a concept that would capture a buzz amongst the promotional gifts industry.


Art Direction/Photography: Ni-Shou Tran    Copy: Simon Kay


Email marketing  newsletters.

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